Channel: Paranormal – Abbeygale Quinn: Michigan Psychic Medium & Sidereal Astrologer
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Rite of Exorcism: How Remove a Negative Entity from Your Home

revome a negative entitity from your home
Hindu god Narasimha slaying the demon Hiranyakashipu.

You’ve tried ignoring it. You’ve tried playing nice. You’ve even tried praying super hard and telling it to leave. To no avail.

Not to worry – when dealing with a negative entity, there is a more final solution:


Before you go any further, let me say that I recommend exorcising a home only as a last resort, and let me explain why.

What we call ‘negative entities’ are living creatures. They have their own thoughts and feelings, and some even say they have families, although I haven’t verified that. They’re people too, in their own… weird way, and just like dealing with real people – violence should always be the last resort.

And let’s not mince words – exorcism is violent. It is not just a banishment. You’re not just pushing it out to an adjacent apartment or something. You’re incinerating it in a furnace of divine fire.

I’m going to be totally honest with you, I’ve debated publishing this for a really long time, namely because it is so final and I’m a little worried that people will jump right to inter-dimensional extermination before trying less abrasive methods. But, my Spirit Guides have been sending me signs that it’s time, so I’m going to try to take the hint.

How to Remove a Negative Entity from Your Home

Items You Will Need:

• Bells, chimes, or symbols. I use Tingshas (Tibetan Hand Symbols) Prayer bells used for Hindu puja are fantastic.
• A cup of fresh, clean water.
• A small bowl of sea salt or kosher salt.
• Incense or sage.
• Protective talismans of your choice, such as Solomon’s Seal, the Hamsa, Crucifix, et cetera.
• Black, dark, or heavy cloth to cover mirrors and windows.
• Candles for night exorcism.
• A clean surface to act as an ‘altar’, where you will place your tools.
• Images of angels, deities, and/or ancestors to place on your altar.


At a minimum, this is a two-day process of preparation and practice. However, if you’re in a pinch, you can cram it all into one day. But the more time you spend preparing for it, the easier you will find it to do the exorcism.

You’ll want as few distractions during your exorcism as possible, so if you can be at home alone, or only among supportive people, all the better.

Where the exorcism calls for prayer or divine invocation, feel free to insert your version of divinity into the equation. If you’re nervous, follow the ‘script’ I’ve provided. If you’re able, just speak from the heart.

Step One: Clean Your House

Negative entities love cluttered homes. If you’re pressed for time, do the best you can. Be sure to wipe down the mirrors and surfaces.

If you have the time and energy, spend a few days to a week scrubbing everything down. Clean out all of the closets. Organize the basement, attic, and drawers. Wash the floors and windows. Vacuum out all of the cracks and crevices. Throw away anything broken or soiled; this includes knickknacks, keepsakes, and other memorabilia that might have sad memories for you.

While you’re cleaning, chant “OM,” an ancient and powerful invocation of the Creator. If you know other chants, prayers, or holy songs, you can recite them, too. If you don’t know any, find a radio station or YouTube channel that plays holy music, and crank it up while you’re cleaning.

Be sure to drink plenty of water during this process. On top of needing to stay hydrated for all of this housework, it will also help flush out toxins in your body, which negative entities can latch onto.

When you’re done cleaning – or while you’re cleaning, open your windows and let the fresh air pour in. This is especially helpful if the outside air is colder, as it helps sanitize your house of germs and negativity.

In many cases, the entity will leave after a thorough house-cleaning, as there is not enough negativity in the home for it to latch onto.

Step Two: Cleanse Your Body

If you’ve been cleaning your house, you’re most likely filthy – physically and energetically. Take a cleansing bath and/or shower.

First, clean the physical dirt off of you in the same way you normally would, with soap and water. Then, if you can, take a warm bath with sea or kosher salt. If you want, you can put some essential oils in there, but there’s really no need.

Spend at least 10-20 minutes in the warm salt water. Try to immerse your entire body if you can, but especially the top of the head and stomach. Afterward, drain the bath and then stand in a cool shower.

Gradually decrease the temperature and let the cold water run down from the crown of your head, down the front and back of your body, but especially along the spine. This removes negativity from all of the chakras, and will help prevent siphoning during the night.

While bathing, be sure to continue your chanting, singing, et cetera. When you get out of the shower, dry off with a newly cleaned towel, and don clean clothes, and slippers if you have them. Choose lose-fitting, white or light-colored clothing if you have it.

In many cases, this ritual bathing alone can exorcise entities from your body and home.

Step Three: Get a Good Night’s Rest

All that cleaning and bathing can take a lot out of you, and you you’re going to need your strength to do your exorcism. If you’re not cramming this exorcism into one day, then follow up your ritual bathing with some ritual sleeping.

Sleep in a newly made bed, with fresh sheets and blankets – white is preferable, but ‘clean’ is probably the most important.

If you can, wear white socks and wrap your head or hair in a white shawl to prevent the entity from draining your energy while you sleep. If you have protective talismans or amulets, wear them while you sleep. If you don’t have any, print out a picture of Solomon’s Seal and place it under your pillow.

Step Four: Morning Preparations

Wake up and go through your usual morning routine, but try to remain as calm, silent, and meditative as possible.

Don’t sing, chant, or pray out loud. Breaking the relative silence later on will have a shocking effect on both your psyche and the entity.

If you think you can fast and focus on your exorcism, then do it. If you must eat, eat light and eat natural. Avoid heavy, starchy, and overly salty food.

If you’re a coffee or tea drinker, use the opportunity to turn the beverage into spiritual fuel. Use clean well-water or bottled water – don’t use municipal water unless you absolutely must.

Put the water that you’re going to use into your pot and pray over it. Say something to the effect of: “this water is a gift, given by (God/the Great Spirit/Vishnu/Tao/the Creator/et cetera). Like all gifts, it has been given with love. Thus, the love, light, and power of God is infused in every molecule.”

Then, hold the coffee or tea, preferably in its raw form, in your hand and say something like: “This is a gift from the Earth – medicine given with love from the Mother, who knows what the body needs to allow the soul to flourish.”

Make your coffee or tea. Pour it into your cup, and before you drink it, say something like: “Here is the power of Heaven and Earth.” Take a sip and say: “I am one with the Earth and Heaven.”

Add your cream and sugar as needed, keeping in mind that these are also gifts from God and the Earth. Do NOT put artificial sweeteners in your beverages or food. They literally eat your brain, cause lesions, and make you vulnerable to further spiritual attack. If you want to keep yourself free from future attacks, your days of eating ‘diet foods’ and processed poisons need to be over. Also, if you smoke, it’s time to switch to real tobacco.

Step Five: Preparing Your Items

While you’re waiting for your coffee/tea to brew, it’s a perfect time to prepare your tools energetically; namely, your incense/sage, water, and salt.

Take each of these items separately in your hands, and say something like: “This incense/water/salt is a gift from God, given to me with love. I give it back to you (insert your deity here), the Supreme Creator, the Absolute. As you receive it, may it be transformed – infused with your divine essence.”

Step Six: Preparing for Your Exorcism

You should still be clean from the previous night, but if you normally shower in the morning, take a cool shower, and don loose-fitting, white or light-colored clothing. Dhotis and sarees are preferable because they have little to no stitching, which allows your spiritual energy to radiate freely.

If you normally wear cosmetics, that’s fine too. Do whatever it takes signal to your brain that you’re about to get down to business.

Gather your tools, including your holy imagery, and place them on your alter, which should be placed in the central most room of the house. If you’re not sure what room that is, use your bedroom, as it is a microcosm of the house at large. If you know which part of the home the entity likes to hide in or possibly originates from, place your altar there.

Close all of the doors and windows. Draw all of the blinds. Cover all of the mirrors with dark or heavy (opaque) cloth. If you have large, full length mirrors, tape tin-foil over them.

In many cases, this process of preparation is enough to send a negative entity packing, especially if it’s gone through something like this before or if you’re really radiating divine energy. Of course, entities new to the exorcism-thing might not take you too seriously at this point. In any case, an entity with any sense is going to high-tail it out of there and not come back until many years after you’ve moved away.

Step Seven: Pre-Exorcism Meditation

Technically, you’ve been preparing for your exorcism for days/hours, and in many cases, this preparation alone is enough to remove an entity and keep it at bay for the rest of your life.

In fact, this type of intense spiritual realignment can elevate your spiritual vibration in an irrevocable way, positively changing the entire course of your life.

But if you’ve gone this far, you might as well see the whole thing through to completion.

Regardless of whether you’re doing your exorcism during daylight hours, turn off all of the lights and anything that radiates wi-fi. Use candle-light to see by. I recommend having a candle in every room so that you can use both of your hands to chime your bells.

Electric lights and wi-fi signals tend to scramble the signals of these entities (which is why they often disappear when you flip on the lights). You want the entity to be as ‘solid’ as possible during your exorcism, so that it really… feels the burn, so to speak.

Step Eight: Perform Your Exorcism

Take your bells and go outside. Use the front door if you have more than one. Close and face the door.

Close your eyes and take three long, deep breaths – in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Then, take three more, long, deep breaths – this time, visualizing your entire body and aura being filled with divine, white light – the physical essence of God/Heaven. As you exhale, visualize any residual negativity, fear, doubt, and/or hesitation fleeing your body.

Take three more deep breaths, maintaining the same visualization and on the exhalation, say “OM” in a confident and steady voice.

Continuing the breathing and visualization, and on the fourth OM, open your eyes and focus on the door in front of you. If you can, look past the door with your minds eye.

As you recite the fourth, fifth, and sixth OM, feel your spirit/aura expanding. If you are clairvoyant, you may be able to visualize that dense, white light expanding past you, through the door, and through the rooms of the house.

If not, don’t worry – it’s happening whether or not you see it.

On the seventh OM, begin ringing your bells or pounding those symbols.

After the ninth OM, open the door, walk inside and ring the bejesus out of those bells!

Those high-pitched vibrations also scramble the entity’s signal, but in a different way. Where turning on a light makes them ‘dissipate’, the high pitch ringing sort of scrambles their cells. They want (and do) flee from it, but it makes it so they can’t focus or easily escape. And if you did a good job covering your windows and mirrors, there will be no place for them to escape too.

If you’re coordinated enough to ring the bells and chant OM confidently and steadily while maintaining your visualization, then by all means do so. If you want to switch from OM to prayers or holy songs, do it.

Go from room to room and ring those bells loudly and forcefully. Ring them towards each corner of the room, the floors and ceilings, and the closets. Go from room to room and repeat this process. All the while, remember to receive the essence of God through the breath on each inhalation, and as you exhale, know that you are not only expelling negativity from your physical body, but also your home.

As you run out of rooms to exercise, the entity will be forced to go to a room where you haven’t cleansed yet until there’s only one room left. Usually, this is a lone closet or corner of a basement or attic.

When you get to that area, focus all of your chanting/breathing/chiming efforts on this one area.

If the entity is particularly powerful, it might panic and try to attack you physically or energetically. This is where all the spooky stuff happens during horror movie exorcisms. This is actually a good sign, because it means what you’re doing is working – which is just more motivation to kick your efforts up to the next gear.

If you feel sick, your head starts to hurt, you’re getting scratched, or any other weird stuff starts happening to you – you just ignore it, inhale that divine God-essence, and chime those bells! Just smile and feel the power of God coursing through you, and pray/chant/sing louder and harder!

It’s normally at this point of the ritual that God really starts to take over. Christians call it the Holy Spirit, but you might call it an Angel, or an ascended master, or your particular deity. But it is this divine force that comes into your body, and transforms you into a demon-slaying machine!

Some people describe this as feeling as though they are in the back-seat of a car (their body), watching someone else drive. As you chant and pray, you might even hear/see yourself from outside of yourself, speaking with a power that you didn’t know you had.

Let this divine power take over. This is what an exorcist does. This is why it’s such a guarded secret and why high-ranking religious sorts don’t talk about it – because when you get right down to it, an exorcist allows him/herself to be possessed by another spirit – the Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, Angels, Ascended Masters, or some other extremely high-level spiritual entity.

But this is a pure spirit – only capable of love and light. This is why it doesn’t matter what religion you are or who you pray to. This is why the preparations leading up to it are so intense: you are literally transforming your body and mind into something which can conduct divine energy, in the same way metal conducts electricity.

You become an antenna for God and Divinity. Through your invitation to this divinity, you give it permission to come into your body and home. Through your intent to drive the negative entity away, the divine power attacks and dissolves the entity like a laser burning up cancer cells.

This divine fire isn’t just dissolving and destroying the negative entity, it’s also transforming your body and spirit. It’s reshaping you physically and metaphysically, so that you will forever be a conductor of that divine energy!

There’s a good chance the entity hits the trail before you’re able to completely destroy it. But even if it does escape, it’s probably not going to come back to the area until you’re long gone, having moved or whatever. Of course, if you did a really good job covering the mirrors and blocking out the windows, you may very well destroy it completely.

When the entity is gone/destroyed, you will know… or rather, that divine force which is working through you will know. And you will probably spontaneously stop chiming. This is a good opportunity to solidify the work that you’ve done.

Step Nine: Consecrating Your Temple

Go through your house and ‘smudge’ it with your incense. Continue with the breathing/visualizations from before, but this time, sing/chant/or recite prayers of blessings, love, and gratitude. If you don’t know any, OM will work. Or, just speak from your heart.

Dedicate your home to divinity. Declare it to be a holy place of love and worship of God – a newly consecrated temple.

After the incense, go through the house and lightly sprinkle the water in each of the rooms. After the water, put a tiny pinch of salt in the front doorway of the home. If you want, you can put a pinch in each corner of each room, including the insides of closets. If you mix up the order of the water, salt, and incense, it’s fine.

When you’re done, open all of the windows and doors, even if only a crack – just to get the air and chi circulating.

Go to the center of the home or where you have your tools, and then take three, long, deep breaths, allowing yourself to completely relax and get out of exorcism-mode. If you need to, take nine breaths instead of three.

When you’re completely relaxed, chime your bells a final time, signaling the completion of the ritual.

And that’s it – you’re all done! Go close your windows and doors and go back to your daily life… although in some ways, it will never be the same. You’ve channeled the divine, and it will almost certainly change the way you view and experience the world from here on out.

Of course, you can always forgo the entire exorcism and simply allow yourself to channel that divinity – right now – and simply walk over to the front door and with your divine power, point to the road, smile, and say, “get out and don’t come back.”

Negative entities often behave like parasites, attacking people who are vulnerable. If you need help solidifying your physical and spiritual bodies, I highly recommend a 20-25 Min. Chakra Reading ($40).

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